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Visiting Australia


I don’t want to leave Vancouver in this lovely summer season
There’s lots to do at Expo, which is another splendid reason
Why can’t I go when winter’s cold is making us feel drear
But God has called me now and I am privileged to hear.


And so I came to Sydney, at least I tried to land
But fog had closed the airport and Melbourne was at hand.
Eventually we made it with only six hours wait
And Max and Jim and Cannons forgave my being late.


And now I’ve spent five lovely weeks in this down-under land
But I MUST confess there ARE somethings it’s hard to understand
They say it’s dead of winter – though the sun has warmed the air
And I’m supposed to wear my sweaters, which really isn’t fair


We go to visit Melbourne, where they say it never snows
But the day before we leave there the airport has to close.
We go to visit Queensland, which is my swimming time,
But they have their three-day winter in that always sunny clime.


We took a boat to Mollymook for fishing on a lake, 
But seas rose up, the wind howled round, we felt the motel quake,
We can’t go through to Canberra, our plans we have to alter
And we can’t return to Sydney – they lost it under water!


We bought some bread to feed the ducks was what I thought we’d do
But out from under bushes hopped a herd of kangaroo
And even in the gardens they don’t know what they’re about 
When carnations are in blood, snowdrops should really not come out


In spite of this confusion SOME sense is coming through
I begin to recognise the signs which show me what to do
If Lisbeth says we’ll go abroad and do the harbour tour
You can guarantee a lovely day, of THAT I am quite sure


If Mel declares she’s positive, it’s clearing from the West
Then pack your special picnic things and set off with the rest
You’ll visit the blue mountains and see the sisters three
And hear the call of wondrous birds from every bush and tree


If you go on a visit and leave your little flat,
You may be sure that things have changed before you can get back.
For flowers have all been re-arranged, the place is sweet and clean
And a fairy’s done your washing, though she’s hardly ever seen


And now we leave this lovely land I really feel quite blue
It’s back to doing cooking, and all the washing too
But we’ll stir our tea with fancy spoons, and read a book or two
And watch grandchildren puzzle with wombats and kangaroo


We carry in our cases each loving kindly gift
I know when we get home again they’ll give us such a lift
We treasure each expression of your love and tender care,
And our friends in far Vancouver will surely feel their share


We’ve seen here demonstrated on each and every day
What it means to be a family in God’s appointed way
We value all the things we’ve learned of lives that have been blessed.

Of new growth sprung from deadwood, of troubled souls at rest.


I trust we’ll keep this vision of what it means to live
A life that is Christ centered, which enables you to give
So much of love in selflessness. We’ve loved our stay down under
And if we can’t meet here again - we’ll join the throng up yonder


© 2021 by The Houston Family

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